We spend most of our lives in our homes and it’s important to keep them clean and clear of pollutants so that we minimize distress and disease.

Our homes as ecosystems, most of the creatures/organisms that are in our homes are totally benign. In fact, a lot of them actually come from us. There’s also evidence to suggest that being exposed to a rich assortment of microbes, especially early in life, seems to have a protective effect.

It makes us less likely to develop asthma and autoimmune disease later in life. 

TIP: keep your home dry, well ventilated and make sure NOT to use antimicrobial products.

Bacteria adapt to chemicals VERY fast and by using them in our homes we may help newer superbugs emerge, plus coating the inside of our homes with antimicrobial compounds will wipe out the good microbes as well, just like an alchol-based mouthwash.

We can clean throughly without using deadly chemicals because nature provided us with many plants that have antibacterial proprieties and are not harmful to us.

Holistic means taking a whole approach to things and understanding how all it’s connected and important.

The house we live in it is also a sacred space (or we should make it so) with its own vibrational frequency.

Because we spend so much time in it, it is almost like and extension of ourselves, and in order to have a happy content life both our frequencies need to align or there will be discord, lack of harmony, both in our lives and inside the home.

We want to help people live better and happier lives, because in the end, that’s all that matters.

Roxy Rusu Roxy Rusu


Smudging is a way to energetically cleanse a space to invite positive energy. When smudging a space, we burn plant material and the smoke will purify the environment.

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Surveys show how having regular cleaning services hugely impacts overall quality of life